Legacy giving to The Pisgah Conservancy is a long-term and meaningful commitment to the care of the forest. This page provides information and options to help you make a planned gift that aligns with your values and goals.

Gift & Estate Planning Essentials
Legal Name: The Pisgah Conservancy
Employer Identification Number (EIN): 47-5267129
The Pisgah Conservancy, 159 West Main Street, Unit 2138, Brevard, NC 28712
Nina Ardle, Chief Development and Administrative Officer
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (828) 782-1418

Planned Giving Options
There are many options to make a legacy gift. We can work with your financial advisor and/or attorney to help you make your legacy gift to The Pisgah Conservancy.

Donor Advised Fund
A Donor Advised Fund offers the flexibility to recommend grant amounts and frequencies to The Pisgah Conservancy based on your financial situation. You can make a one-time or recurring gift, or allocate all or part of the fund to the organization. Donor Advised Funds can be set up through community foundations or other financial institutions.

IRA Distribution

Beneficiary Designation
You can name The Pisgah Conservancy a beneficiary of an unused retirement plan or life insurance policy. This allows you to give generously towards the forest’s future without impacting your estate. Typically, the process to establish the gift begins with requesting a form to do so from your policy administrator.

You can make a lasting impact on Pisgah with just a few words in your will or living trust by making a specific, percentage, or residual request.
“I give to The Pisgah Conservancy, a nonprofit corporation currently located at 158 West Main Street, Unit 2138, Brevard, NC 28712, or its successor thereto, _________ [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] for its unrestricted charitable use and purpose.”

Share Your Pisgah Legacy
If you have included The Pisgah Conservancy in a planned or legacy gift, we would love to hear about it.
Please complete our Confidential Pisgah Legacy Giving Form below.
You may also download the form (PDF) and mail it to:
The Pisgah Conservancy, 158 West Main Street, Unit 2138, Brevard, NC 28712.
Do you have questions? Would you like to learn more?
Contact [email protected]. Your inquiry is confidential.