Since the 2012 opening of the Bracken Mountain Trail System, a nine-mile series of trails in the hills above the city of Brevard, many have longed for a loop route which would connect this system and the Brevard community with the many trails and attractions along the Davidson River in Pisgah Forest.
Under the supervision of The Pisgah Conservancy and the US Forest Service, and thanks to generous funding provided by Transylvania County Tourism Development Authority, The City of Brevard, Transylvania County, The US Forest Service and TPC's Pisgah Trails Fund (established and sustained with regular contributions from The Hub & Pisgah Tavern), this vision became a reality in July 2021.
Stony Knob Trail is an approximately 1.5-mile trail connecting Joel Branch Road (NFSR 5002) and Horse Cove Road (NFSR475C). When combined with Brevard's Urban Greenway Trail System, hikers and bikers — and on a significant portion of the route, equestrians — can now enjoy a 25-mile one-way trip in and out of the forest, offering access to some of the Pisgah Ranger District's most popular attractions as well as the many dining and entertainment offerings in and around the city of Brevard.
Congratulations and thanks to all who collaborated and contributed to make Stony Knob Trail a reality.