Board and Staff

Peter Barry

Peter Barry

My Pisgah Story

I arrived in the Pisgah Forest region by way of the northern Appalachians, having spent most of my younger life as a camper, camp counselor and student in New Hampshire hiking and maintaining trails in the White Mountains.  Raising our family in Charlotte for 22 years, my trips to Pisgah Forest began as a Y-guide dad camping at Slick Rock, followed by family climbs up Pilot and Black Balsam, pursuits of undiscovered swimming holes and floats down the Davidson.   After exploring the North Carolina mountains from Roaring Gap to Highlands for an ideal retirement spot, my wife and I chose to land in Brevard, nearest the mountains that we already loved best.  We explore Pisgah's trails every week of the year, often with our dogs leading the way.  While it is exciting to watch as Pisgah's natural beauty and abundant outdoor activities draw more visitors each year, I share a commitment with many others to protect this special place from being "loved to death."